Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Pinkerton Family Reunion

Pinkerton Family Reunion

On June 15th, I flew back to the US for the first time in a year. The reason for going at that particular time was to attend the first Pinkerton Family Reunion. I had several other things that also needed to be done, such as doing my 2006 taxes, weeding my garden, and doing something about selling my house.

After I'd been on the plane for about 2 hours (with 11 hours, a layover and another hour and a half flight to go), my throat started feeling sore. So, for the first week, I felt really bad, fighting a cold and jetlag at the same time. Every morning I would feel pretty refreshed for a few hours, but by 1 or 2pm my body was telling me I should be in bed. I stayed with my friends Sandy and Joe Vargo and they were great hosts. Their 3 kids are really growing and they ask mom and dad all the time "Is Aunt Terry sleeping now?" They know I'm on the other side of the world.

The second week I went to Southern Illinois for my family reunion. It was the first Pinkerton Family Reunion for my Dad's brothers and sister. 56 people turned up and I saw cousins I hadn't seen for over 25 years and two generations of cousins kids and cousins kids kids that I'd never met before.

It was perfect weather and we all had a great time. Many of us went to visit the old farm I grew up on and even the house our parents grew up in is still standing, being overgrown and covered by the forrest.

Then I went back to Michigan to the unenviable task of dealing with taxes and a house that I can't sell. I was seriously planning to default on my loan since I've had the house for sale for over a year, had already reduced the price $50,000 and received not a single serious offer. But, after talking to several lawyers, real estate agents and others knowledgable on the subject, I decided that it really is in my best interest, though extremely painful, to just keep reducing the price of my damned house till some sucker decides to buy it. I even attempted to talk to my bank again which is impossible. NEVER GET A MORTGAGE WITH A BIG BANK, ESPECIALLY CITY MORTGAGE. They're just a bunch of human reading machines reciting what is in front of their eyes. No hearts!! No brains!!! Do I sound bitter??? Sorry.

I attempted to satisfy all my cravings for non-chinese food. Had middle eastern food, mexican, greek, indian, and Thai as well as pizza and several good old American BBQ's. And lots of good ice cream and desserts. And I'm paying for that now! Hahaha...

I did get a little exercise while I was home. Went jogging around the old farm neighborhood with my cousin Joan from Chicago.

And went mountain biking with Allen my old biking buddy. The biking started out great until I was rudely introduced to a new log pile in the path. My front wheel stopped and I didn't. I went over the handlebars and landed on top of the logs with my bike on top of me - amazingly I didn't have a scratch! A few minutes later I figured out my bike speedometer was missing so we went back to find it. While we were looking for it, we heard a loud "Pseeeewwww" as a mysterious flat occurred on my front tire. We patched it twice unsuccessfully before I jogged my bike out of the park for about a mile. At least I got some exercise. And after that ordeal I don't miss mountain biking nearly as much as I did before.

I managed to catch up with lots of old friends and neighbors in Michigan and it was really great to see everybody.

Even though I don't have a job at the moment in China, I've come back in hopes of having another contract soon. I really love China and I'm not ready to give up and go home yet. I came here with the hope of being here 5 years or more. After just 3 years in the UK, I realized how much I changed and didn't like most of my belongings any more. I knew living in China would change me more, so this time I sold almost all my belongings. If I tried to move back to the US and start over now I know I would be very bored and depressed. I need the adventure and challenge that I get in China. And despite what some think of China, I believe everybody in the world deserves a chance for a good life, not just Americans. And I feel very lucky to have been born in a wealthy nation. I hope my western friends and family do too. I feel very welcomed and comfortable here. I think it is one of the safest and warmest places on earth.

Take care and God bless.

Love Terry


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